herbal nutrition, conscious movement, & healthy living

herbalist woman holding a plate of violets and pansies and smiling

Daily experiments lead to breakthroughs. Try a little wellness with me, and see what happens!

  • 1:1 Coaching

    Are you overwhelmed by all of the advice you’ve heard or read, and need help creating a simple path forward? Whether you have a specific health challenge, need guidance for a healthy pregnancy and postpartum period, or just generally want to feel better, I can teach you tools to be empowered to get that healing happening.

  • herb chats! online classes

    Are you an herbal newbie? Would you like to add some healthy lifestyle tools to your routine? I break down the topics in bite-sized amounts PLUS all-topics Q&A. 18+ hours of recorded classes available for viewing at your own pace.

  • The Herb-Powered Pregnancy FB Community

    Come join the party in our VIP Community on Facebook called the Herb Powered Pregnancy. Learn to prepare your whole body, mind, and heart for your best pregnancy ever, with education and support on pre-conception through postpartum and breastfeeding!

My Approach


I have found that the best way to approach a challenge - such as healing the body - is with curiosity. I seek to keep an attitude of “every day can be an experiment” (every moment, really!) and to curiously observe what happens as I make shifts in my life towards wellness and honor the cycles and unfoldings that are part of the healing process. I have learned techniques to “un-learn” unhelpful patterns to make room for constructive ones. Patience and self-compassion must walk hand-in-hand with the curious attitude.


Getting started

Feel free to contact me to ask any questions you need to ask to determine whether we might be a good fit. When you are ready, Purchase a Single Consultation or Monthly Subscription from the STORE page, and we will schedule an appointment! I will send you an intake form and a Constitution Quiz so we can hit the ground running.

Empowering you

You will get out of this what you are willing to put into it. Some of the changes required to see results will be simple, some may require significant effort. It is up to you to pay attention and share with me your challenges so that we can come up with creative solutions. Let’s find a way to make this commitment something that is sustainable and gets you the results you are looking for.



  • happy hormones

    “I asked Sarah what I could do to manage breakouts and painful periods. She gave me nutrition advice and recommended a facial cleansing method for my skin and an herbal tea blend that would balance my hormones. They worked!”


  • goodbye tummy flu

    “My family was going through some sort of stomach bug. My husband was in so much stomach pain I was considering taking him to the ER, so I reached out to Sarah for suggestions. She suggested one simple herb and which stores to look for it at. She told me how to make it. I gave it to my whole family, and we all felt much better. My husband could not believe how quickly he felt so much better!”


  • straighter toes

    “My foot got crushed by some heavy equipment. Sarah recommended some teas to drink to heal the bones, as well as a fomentation to wrap my foot in. When I went to bed my toes were crooked. In the morning they were straight. I’m going to keep drinking these teas!”


get inspired

Follow me on Instagram or Facebook for health tips, food inspiration, and herbal bytes!


image of a woman putting her feet up in front of a snowy window

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