Hi, I’m sarah.

Chemical Engineer, Homesteader, Permaculture Designer, Nutritional Herbalist, Master Herbalist, Wife to an awesome dude, and Mother of three and counting (plus a couple kittens!).

My journey from completely conventional to holistic health began 14 years ago. As career stress, new motherhood, and increasing sensitivity to chemicals began to exacerbate challenges I’d experienced from a young age, I recognized that something had to change. I went to specialists, who offered me prescriptions but no real explanations. I knew in my heart that I didn’t want a band-aid or a pharmaceutical trick. I wanted to understand exactly what the problem was, and then I wanted to truly heal the problem.

As I searched for answers, I learned about modalities that improved my family’s health significantly: acupuncture, chiropractic, homeopathy, essential oils, the Alexander Technique for ease in movement, elderberry syrup, mitigating environmental toxins, reducing sugar and junk food, etc.

I signed up for seminars and read articles and listened to podcasts. I sought out mentors and learned whatever I could, whenever I could. I wanted the truth about healing, for myself and for my family.

I’d always loved growing flowers and culinary herbs but was intimidated by the world of herbalism. I grew up believing that herbs were simultaneously so weak as to be ineffective, but also so powerful that they were dangerous. Then I met some herbalists at a Permaculture Design course who blew my former beliefs out of the water and set me on my current course of education.

I completed the Family Herbalist, Nutritional Herbalist, and Advanced Herbalist courses at Dr. Christopher’s School of Natural Healing in Springville, Utah, and received my Masters in Herbology from the same in June 2023! My coaching and courses are an integration of the eclectic education I have given myself, but at the core is Vitalist Herbalism. I believe and have experienced that - if given the right nutrition, and cleansing pathways are opened - the body CAN and DOES heal itself. It is up to each of us to learn to listen and provide our body the help it needs to execute these divine processes.