day 16 - 25 days of wellness

Hi there! I’ve seen a couple of people I follow do Advent calendars for various things - 1000 Hours Outside has one for outdoor family activities, and Nutritious Movement has one for movement to create a “butt for the holidays” haha. So good.

So here we go - I’m going to drop a little post each day on a little Wellness tidbit for you to consider. Enjoy!

DAY 16 - adaptogens

Adaptogens are herbs or foods that help our bodies cope with stress. Many adaptogens happen to be aphrodisiacs. Kinda makes you go, “huh!”

My favorite adaptogenic herbs are

Ashwagandha - great for a daily stress-modulating supplement for men or women

Marshmallow and Astragalus Root (this is the combination in Dr. Christopher’s Immucalm formula, which is a must if you have an autoimmune disease!)

Shatavari root - especially good for women. I first used this in my postpartum anxiety/depression (I alternated because I’m fun like that) herbal tea after child #2.

Schisandra Berry - I haven’t tried this one yet but it sounds lovely.

Then there is the world of mushrooms (I’m talking the non-psychadelic kind). Reishi is a great adaptogen to look into for relieving stress, insomnia, and has been shown to fight cancer as well. No psychadelic trips.

See you on Day 17!


day 17 - 25 Days of wellness


day 15 - 25 days of wellness