day 18 - 25 Days of wellness

Hi there! I’ve seen a couple of people I follow do Advent calendars for various things - 1000 Hours Outside has one for outdoor family activities, and Nutritious Movement has one for movement to create a “butt for the holidays” haha. So good.

So here we go - I’m going to drop a little post each day on a little Wellness tidbit for you to consider. Enjoy!

DAY 18 - electromagnetic frequencies


Not everyone has heard of these yet. Our bodies are electrical. Even the nutrients we take in become ions that are crucial to our cells running at the micro level. Our nervous system allows communication throughout our body from all our different kinds of tissues to our brain and back again. The energy meridians of the body used in acupuncture, acupressure, zonology, and more have been mapped by modern imaging technologies. Our bodies function with electrical and magnetic energy intricately connected to our whole being.

Some people have learned the hard way that they are very sensitive to the radiation given off by various forms of technology. Electromagnetic Frequencies include radio waves, microwaves, electricity, dirty electricity, magnetic currents, and others. Some people find that their hands ache if they use a cell phone for more than an hour, get headaches if their bedroom is near a Smart Meter or WiFi router, or even - this is really somebody that I know - are so sensitive that they can’t even wear a digital watch. The watch broke. Let that blow your mind a little bit.

Okay, so unless you go live in the mountains or desert and don’t take your technology with you, you are going to have EMFs in your life. And here’s the thing, it’s not something to shrug off just because you don’t notice it having an effect on you. Scientists unaffiliated with the communications industry (that’s important) have shown in a petri dish that EMFs affect us at a CELLULAR level.

So you may not feel it now, but the EMFs in your environment are causing cellular stress to your body. And it accumulates.

So what can we do about it, if it’s everywhere? Here’s a few ideas…

  • Request your electrical company switch your Smart Meter to a dumb meter. If they won’t, you can get a device to cover the Smart Meter so that the electric company can get their measurements but the radiation coming into your home will be significantly reduced (

  • Turn off your WiFi at night.

  • Keep your phone in a different room at night - OFF if you can.

  • Ditch the Smart Watch and go back to an analog watch.

  • Don’t wear your cell phone on your body - the further away from your body the phone is, the better.

  • Use the speaker option rather than holding your phone up to your ear. Or get some air-tube headphones from

  • Don’t use WiFi at all — switch to wired devices.

  • Get an EMF-blocking phone case or bag ( or slap a Xzubi holographic sticker on your phone, laptop, wifi router, etc. Green Smoothie Girl sells these.

  • Keep selenite crystals on your body and next to electronics in your home. This is one of the least expensive crystals and easiest to find.

  • Turn 5G off your phone and only use LTE Data as a last resort.

  • Have a professional investigate the electrical wiring of your house to see if there is any “Dirty Electricity” - this is where the wiring creates electromagnetic fields. You can install a Dirty Electricity Filter. Read more here

Remember - our bodies have a LOT of environmental and diet stressors coming at them these days. Every little bit helps. If you’ve “tried everything” but just can’t seem to get better from a chronic, mysterious-onset dis-ease, you may just notice some positive shifts by reducing your EMF exposure.

See you on Day 19!


day 19 - 25 Days of wellness


day 17 - 25 Days of wellness