day 20 - 25 Days of wellness

Hi there! I’ve seen a couple of people I follow do Advent calendars for various things - 1000 Hours Outside has one for outdoor family activities, and Nutritious Movement has one for movement to create a “butt for the holidays” haha. So good.

So here we go - I’m going to drop a little post each day on a little Wellness tidbit for you to consider. Enjoy!

DAY 20 - supplements

Raise your hand if you’ve spent hundreds or thousands of dollars on supplements over the years!

I know I have. Here’s the deal. Not all supplements are made equal. I dare say most have very little benefit and a whole lot of greenwashing along with the pricey price tag.

These are a few of the supplements that I actually do recommend and are relatively inexpensive.

  • Nutritional Yeast (the only brands I’ve found that don’t have added unnatural vitamins are Sari Foods, Foods Alive, or Anthony’s on Amazon) - naturally loaded with B vitamins and has a slight salty/cheesy flavor. Sprinkle on salads, soups, popcorn, etc.

  • Blackstrap Molasses (high in iron and minerals)

  • Flax seeds, chia seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, and pumpkin seeds. You can put them on top of pretty much any meal, but especially salads. Any of these can be ground and added to smoothies or made into energy balls with nut butter, almond butter, raw honey, molasses, etc. Yum!

  • Kelp, Dulse, and seaweed supply iodine and zinc for improved digestion and thyroid function. Additional zinc in our diets help our stomachs produce adequate acid to digest our food. Kelp also cleanses the arteries and tones the walls of the blood vessels. You can get seasonings of them or buy Seaweed Snacks which are tasty and salty. I also keep dried Kelp on hand to add to broth and to cook beans with.

  • Liquid chlorophyll - great for building a weak body, maintaining iron levels, and gentle detoxification

  • Spirulina/chlorella - Sunfood brand makes dry tablets that can be chewed or swallowed. Powders are available also. These are algae that are very high in chlorophyll, iron, and protein. Dosage is individual, but I find they sustain my energy-intensive lifestyle if I take about 1 tablespoon of tablets with each meal.

  • Dr. Christopher’s Jurassic Greens - take in capsules or buy as a powder to add to water/tea/juice/smoothie. This formula is made from sprouted, dehydrated, and powdered grains (wheat grass, barley grass, etc.) and is highly nutritious.

  • Dr. Christopher’s Vitalerbs - capsules or glycerine tincture or buy the bulk powder to encapsulate at home or mix into water or honey. Great substitute for a “multivitamin.” Could work up to 5 capsules with each meal, if desired.


See you on Day 21!


day 21 - 25 Days of wellness


day 19 - 25 Days of wellness