My Thoughts on Detoxing from Mold Exposure

By Sarah Vezzani, Nutritional Herbalist - Last Updated Jan 2023

These are my thoughts gathered from reading multiple sources and comparing to the principles taught to me at the School of Natural Healing. I am currently using this program on myself, though I have not had myself tested for mold. As such, it is purely theoretical. I have no personal scientific evidence or studies to back this up. There are references to other websites, as well as my own Healing Cheat Sheets that I offer my clients.

The topic of toxic mold exposure has recently gained more and more attention. The symptoms range widely from person to person, as well as the sensitivity of each person to exposure in the first place. You can do a google search and see long lists of these. The old herbals do not mention Healing from Mold Exposure, which really gives me cause to wonder… is it only recently becoming a known problem? Or is it only recently something that humans really struggle to heal from, due to the toxins coming at us in greater numbers and variety than ever before from environment, foods, and lifestyle?

Mold is a very natural part of nature. It exists in areas of high moisture and must have a critical role in decomposition and natural cycles of substances. What could its purpose be relative to humans, and why does it suddenly seem to be one of the louder gremlins in the health world?

These are questions I cannot answer. But I do have some thoughts on how to detox from toxic mold exposure given my current understanding of the negative effects it is having on the body and what our bodies need to cleanse & repair.


The Program:

  1. Cleanse & Nourish the body with herbs and wholesome food. 

  2. Cleanse & Nourish in particular the elimination organ systems

  3. Bind Heavy Metals to be eliminated through those systems.

  4. Include antifungal herbs and foods.

  5. Remove sources of mold & the things that contribute to its growth (including EMFs) - this should really be done FIRST, I just wanted to talk about the others more!

  6. Cleanse & Nourish the Nervous System to recover from any damage, and to allow the whole body to function properly. Likewise, there may be other body systems in need of repair (such as the lungs, heart, etc.)

  7. Calm down inflammation and overactive immune system response.

  8. Address energetic/emotional sources of sensitivity to mold.


Cleanse & Nourish the body - See Basic Herbal Program. This is a Cheat Sheet I give my clients for a full lifestyle and diet shift to work on over time if you want to see lasting results.


Cleanse & Nourish the Elimination Organ Systems

  • Dr. Christopher’s Extended Herbal Cleanse is a 6-week program, easily repeated periodically over 6 months for a full cleanse and rebuild.

  • This program cleans out and repairs the important elimination organs: Lower Bowel, Liver & Gallbladder, Kidneys & Bladder, and the Blood.

  • You want to make sure these are working correctly before going to the next step.

  • You can find instructions here:


Bind Heavy Metals & Other Toxins for Elimination

  • Heavy Metals can block the detox pathways of the body. They may also interact with mycotoxins (mold toxins) such that to detox one, you must detox the other.

    • Dr. Christopher’s Heavy Mineral Formula + detox baths

    • Make sure your elimination organs are working before beginning this cleanse. Once you start, take warm epsom salt baths every other day for 3 weeks, then take a break for 3 weeks. Alternatively, use foot baths or a good regular sweaty exercise routine. The goal is to sweat toxins out.

    • It is really important when we are detoxing heavy metals that they LEAVE the body, rather than get reabsorbed. Doing the Heavy Mineral Formula + detox baths concurrently with the Extended Herbal Cleanse is a good safety precaution.

  • Load up on chorophyll-rich foods to bind the toxins and flush them out of the body.

    • Liquid chlorophyll - great for building a weak body, maintaining iron levels, and gentle detoxification

    • Spirulina/chlorella - Sunfood brand makes dry tablets that can be chewed or swallowed. Powders are available also. These are algae that are very high in chlorophyll, iron, and protein. Dosage is individual, but I find they sustain my energy-intensive lifestyle if I take about a teaspoon of tablets with each meal.

    • Dr. Christopher’s Jurassic Greens - take in capsules or buy as a powder to add to water/tea/juice/smoothie. Highly nutritious.


Include Antifungal Herbs & Foods

  • Raw garlic. Dosage and frequency depends on the person but must be included at least once daily to see any effect.

  • Calendula, pau d’arco, cat’s claw, black walnut, olive leaf. Teas or tinctures of the first 4 in that list can be taken daily. I do not have experience with or instructions for using olive leaf internally but have used it successfully on fungal skin infections.

  • For a full body fungal cleanse, see For schedules and menu suggestions see Sarah’s Yeast Overgrowth printables.


Remove sources of mold

  • This should really be done FIRST — I just really wanted to talk about the other things first!

  • Repair any leaks, remove infected carpet, clothing, shoes, etc.

  • Ensure adequate airflow in the affected room/home

  • Diffuse tea tree, lemon, and/or lemongrass essential oil and/or clean the affected area with them regularly

  • Address sources of EMF radiation in your home (smart meters, smart watches, bluetooth-connected devices, WiFi router, smart appliances, etc.) This radiation apparently spurs mold growth.


Repair the nervous system

  • Mycotoxins from mold exposure can damage sensitive nerves. So we need to cleanse and repair the nervous system and get it strong!

  • Daily deep breathing (I recomend Wim Hof) and 2minute cold showers every morning (or start warm and end with 30s-2min cold) followed by Dry Brushing or a coarse towel rub-down.

  • Daily meditation, stretching, exercise - sweating and twisting amplifies detox, as does massage.

  • Dr. Christopher’s Calcium Formula

  • Dr. Christopher’s Relax-Eze Formula

  • Dr. Christopher’s Complete Tissue & Bone Formula

  • Dr. Christopher’s Ear & Nerve Formula

  • Chlorophyll-rich foods

  • Likewise, there may be other body systems in need of repair (such as the lungs, heart, etc.). I can guide you to specific herbs and herbal formulas to cleanse & rebuild these areas after discussion of your individual needs and symptoms.


Calm Down an Overactive Immune Response

  • Dr. Christopher’s Immucalm Formula consists of marshmallow root and astragalus root. Together they calm down inflammation as well as overactivity of the immune system, while also rebuilding the immune system to have a strong, appropriate response. The dosage I take (when I remember) is 1 tsp 3 times a day, 6 days a week. I expect to continue this for about a year.

  • There are many other adaptogenic herbs and foods that you can discover for yourself!

  • All of the Nervous System conditioning will work synergistically with this.


Address energetic/emotional/inherited sensitivity to mold

  • Allie Duzett has a video session you can follow along using breath, visualization, tapping, and other techniques to address the underlying beliefs that may be attracting mold into your life and making you extra sensitive to it. You can purchase it here (this is not an affiliate link):

For further discussion, please book a coaching call with me. I’d be happy to explain the details and principles behind this guide, as well as help you decide where to start and any other specific needs you have or conditions to work around.


for the love of fragrance