BONUS! Reason #6 Why You aren’t getting pregnant

pregnant woman in a striped dress with a red shawl backlit by the sun in a field

Ladies! Are you wanting to get pregnant in the next 3-6 months?

Are you wanting to time your conception just right?

Have you been trying to get pregnant for a while and it’s just not happening?

Are you past your 20s and worried about your fertility?

At any age, are you wanting to have your first baby but nervous because of everyone else’s horror stories of 1st trimester?

Do you have chronic or acute conditions and are worried you will be a high-risk pregnancy?

We’ve already talked about 5 BIG reasons you are not getting pregnant naturally. But let’s not ignore this other Very Important Reason: Stress. Your nervous system directs the functions of your whole body. If you are stuck in a state of fight/flight/freeze, your body directs energy AWAY from reproduction and towards basic survival only. Stay in this state long enough, and many body functions begin to suffer.

I would love to teach you my favorite tools for downregulating an overactive nervous system, so you can cope with stress better and meet life with radical resilience! Let’s set you up for natural conception, a healthy mama, a healthy baby, and an empowering experience throughout the journey from pre-conception to postpartum and beyond.

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It’s a simple system at its core: cleanse, deeply nourish, and allow the body to repair itself (and thus balance hormones!) with the use of wholesome herbs, plant-powered nutrition, and healing lifestyle. While it is simple in principle, there are many details to learn and incorporate into your life to give your body the freedom to start producing the right hormones in the right amounts.

I want to teach it to you and 9 of your besties!

Share this with someone you know it will help!

#everydayanexperiment #herbalhealthcoach #masterherbalist #christianherbalist #fertilitycoach #pregnancycoach #getyourglow #reasonsyouarentgettingpregnant #guthealth #herbpoweredguthealth #plantpoweredguthealing

Click the Image to LEARN MORE about the program!


5 First Trimester mistakes that *you* don’t have to make


Reason #5 Why You aren’t getting pregnant