5 First Trimester mistakes that *you* don’t have to make

pregnant woman backlit by sunlight in a field

5 First Trimester Mistakes YOU Don’t Have To Make!

an Open Letter From a Master Herbalist

1 eating junk food

When cravings and food aversions are high, easy comfort food feels like the best answer. BUT when you give in, the benefit is temporary. When you nourish your body well, you feel better all around and the cravings and food aversions actually quiet down. You CAN listen to and satisfy your cravings WITHOUT junk food!

2 not hydrating

You might already have extra bathroom visits. Hydration may be the last thing on your mind! But your blood flow is already increasing to build that beautiful placenta, and your digestion is slowing down to get those nutrients into your baby. Hydrate MORE, not less!

3 ditching exercise

This is my 4th pregnancy. I KNOW that once that 1st trimester fatigue hits, the last thing you want to do is head to the gym! But daily walking and stretching are extremely beneficial and safe at this time. As your hormones shift, digestion slows, soft tissue readjusts, and your mood flip-flops… moving your body gently each day is ESSENTIAL!

4 not using herbs

Raise your hand if the internet, health care professionals, or well-meaning family and friends have scared you away from using herbs during pregnancy. My passion is educating you on how to safely use wholesome herbs throughout pregnancy for nutrition and support of common discomforts and challenges.

5 not preparing your body BEFORE you get pregnant

If you’re already pregnant, you can come back to this one the next time around! If you’re still trying to conceive - or thinking about it - please know that there is much you can do to prepare your body with nutrition, herbs, and movement. Getting your body in top shape not only boosts your fertility but makes a huge difference in your wellbeing throughout pregnancy and the health of your baby!

I want to teach you the same herbal routines that I used to conceive the first month of TTC and enjoy a virtually nausea-free first trimester with my fourth baby PLUS prepare you to confidently and naturally address common pregnancy concerns.

Contact me here to discuss. Doors to this cohort close Aug 25th!

It’s a simple system at its core: cleanse, deeply nourish, and allow the body to repair itself (and thus balance hormones!) with the use of wholesome herbs, plant-powered nutrition, and healing lifestyle. While it is simple in principle, there are many details to learn and incorporate into your life to give your body the freedom to start producing the right hormones in the right amounts.

I want to teach it to you and 9 of your besties!

Share this with someone you know it will help!

#herbpoweredpregnancy #getyourglow #firsttrimester #plantpoweredpregnancy

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celebrating 21 weeks pregnant with my 4th baby!


BONUS! Reason #6 Why You aren’t getting pregnant