day 13 - 25 Days of wellness

Hi there! I’ve seen a couple of people I follow do Advent calendars for various things - 1000 Hours Outside has one for outdoor family activities, and Nutritious Movement has one for movement to create a “butt for the holidays” haha. So good.

So here we go - I’m going to drop a little post each day on a little Wellness tidbit for you to consider. Enjoy!

DAY 13 - juice

Plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables (and sea vegetables!) will provide all the daily cleansing needed when the body is in a good healthy, nourished, and clean condition. Most of us are not there yet and - especially if pregnant or breastfeeding - are in need of targeted re-nourishment or hyper-nourishment.

A quart a day or more of fresh fruits and/or vegetable juices can be a great gentle cleanse. Dr. Christopher recommended a 3-day juice cleanse every month that could even be safely done by expecting women IF they were consistently doing this cleanse prior to becoming pregnant. Generally speaking, we do not want to do heavy cleansing while pregnant or breastfeeding.

Fresh juices are full of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and organic salts that are crucial for our bodies’ functioning. By drinking juice we can infuse the body naturally with a much larger amount of nutrients in a much shorter amount of time than when eating the whole fruits or vegetables. There is absolutely a time and a place for fiber, but juices are a great way to pack in the nutrition while giving the body’s digestive powers a bit of a break.

Freshly juiced from fresh produce is the best, but even bottled organic no-preservatives-added not-from-concentrate juices can effect great healing and nourishing.

The trick to juices is to take a small mouthful and “chew” it in your mouth, letting it swish around and mix with saliva, before swallowing. This aids the digestion of the juice and prevents blood sugar from spiking - even for diabetics.

Some of the “best” vegetable juices to play with are celery, carrot, parsley, beet, cucumber, and cabbage. These can each be taken on their own or mixed with other vegetable juices. Some recommend taking celery juice first thing in the morning and then waiting for 30-60 minutes before having your first meal of the day. Doing this consistently can be very cleansing and replenish the body with important organic salts and minerals. But celery juice is quite bitter and can be a little “too” cleansing (aka diarrhea) for some people. Even if you can’t do the “ideal” protocol for celery juice, having some celery juice added to your carrot juice or smoothie is still quite beneficial.

Fruit juices. Apple juice is an excellent way of cleansing the bowels and infusing the blood with oxygen. Cranberry juice is great for urinary tract health. Grape juice is high in antioxidants to reduce inflammation and all of the diseases associated with it. One shepherd was healed from skin cancer simply by drinking only grape juice for an entire summer. And riding naked so the sun could cleanse him further I’ve always thought that story was fun!

Orange, grapefruit, lemon, and lime juices can all be combined with each other, but apart from citrus, for best results fruit juices should not be combined.

See you on Day 14!


day 14 - 25 days of wellness


day 12 - 25 Days of wellness