day 2 - 25 Days of wellness

Hey there! I’ve seen a couple of people I follow do Advent calendars for various things - 1000 Hours Outside has one for outdoor family activities, and Nutritious Movement has one for movement to create a “butt for the holidays” haha. So good.

So here we go - I’m going to drop a little post each day on a little Wellness tidbit for you to consider. Enjoy!

DAY 2 - journaling

I highly recommend that my clients begin the day with journaling. I always thought I was just not meant to be a journaler - I could never be consistent! And then I really decided to, and it is really helping me work through whatever comes up!

I challenge you to start each morning writing whatever comes to mind, not worrying about who will read it later (you’re allowed to burn it, actually!)… goals, checklists, gratitudes, whining observations as your cat jumps onto your face and your kids ask for breakfast... Any and all of it! Just brain dump, vent, review yesterday, and/or plan your day for a MINIMUM of 5 minutes. Give yourself this time no matter what else is happening (ok, you can obviously skip it if someone needs emergency medical attention!), and soon enough you’ll be writing for 30 minutes or longer.

Here are some suggested Journal Prompts!

What do I notice about my body today?

What thoughts am I noticing? 

What emotions am I noticing?

What is/are my top priority/priorities for today?

How will I nourish myself today?

How might I add some form of play to my day?

Do I have anything coming up today that I expect to be challenging? What will I do NOW to get through that better?

If you want some extra accountability for this, check out my Smash Your Stress program! It’s free and guides you along a 15 minute routine to start each day with for massive stress relief.

See you on Day 3!


day 3 - 25 Days of wellness


day 1 - 25 Days of wellness